Personalized Scrapbook

stripe scrapbook

My teammate wanted to make a scrapbook for her parents, and enlisted my help for the exterior. As any crafters would, off to Michael’s we went!

She picked up a Carolina blue scrapbook binder first, but after touring the store, she found a better blank canvas — a brown-paper-bag-esque scrapbook binder that she wanted to personalize. We decided we wanted to use burlap down the spine, but we wanted pops of color elsewhere. She also wanted a big bow down the spine, so we hit the ribbon isle in search of inspiration. She settled on ribbon with different variations of blue that fit her mom’s taste, and would pop against the neutral colors of her living room.

I then suggested we paint fat stripes to play off of the skinny ribbon stripes. Here is a work in progress picture with the “brown-paper bag” binder showing:
scrapbook work in progress

One coat of acrylic paint wasn’t quite enough to cover the brown, so I added another coat as well as lettering to finish the look. We then cut & frayed the burlap to fit the desired area, and hot-glued it on. Finally, we fed the ribbon through the inside spine and tied a big bow to the outside spine, securing the tails with hot glue. Here’s the final product!
stripe scrapbook stripe scrapbook







I loved helping my teammate with this project, and hopefully I’ll be using some similar ideas for family members down the road 🙂

Happy scrapbooking!

d dot

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